Clearly the good folk at the Golden Pages idea and my idea of a short survey are two entirely different things, but that is beside the point right now. The rather lengthy survey was an in-depth analysis of my and my households purchasing methods. The rather unimaginative questions all began with 'are you the one responsible for' or ' have you bought in the past'. Really its the type of survey we've all filled out at some point.
One of the questions,
Minutes after I had selected a big bold 'no' to that question my darling husband rings, if only to illustrate that I am definitely not the responsible person. And as if to add insult to injury he so clearly illustrates that I am not even the person to be consulted on these purchases.
'Oh!' I say, 'We should definitely go for it, ring them back and order it', I say.
'Oh I have.' he replies, ' I'm just ringing you to see if you'll be around on Thursday week so they can install.'
So you see, clearly I am not the person responsible for these decisions!
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