Yet again I seem to have some unexplainable symptoms and my sadistic nurse and doctor are yet again intent on draining my of every last drop of blood!
Despite my complete fear of needles and the sight of my own blood I was anxious for them to take it all as soon as possible, [I’ve been very unwell for 2 months and I really just want to get to the bottom of it] so I asked to be taken in ASAP [which turned out to be after normal blood testing hours and had to drive the blood to the hospital myself].
Firstly the experience was a complete nightmare for someone with my fears; they couldn’t find any viable veins! I was bone dry [so to speak]! As it is, my veins are rarely easy to drain but this time, nothing! Forty minutes it took to fill 5 little vials.
Vials filled, I head to the hospital, my blood in a large shiny gold bag – the only thing the receptionist had to hand to hold them. So I get lost, several times, trying to find pathology. Eventually I find the elusive ‘hatch’ and hand my ‘present’ directly to the pathologist and get lost yet again on the way out.
So a few days later I call the nurse for the results, only some a back, all fine. I call back a few days later for the rest. ‘ Em Blá, I’m afraid the hospital lost the last of your blood’ – WHAT? ‘Yes we’re not sure what happened, can you come in and we can take more?’
Once I picked myself up off the floor I thought… clearly there must be vampires in that pathology department cause no hospital would be that disorganised?! Right? ;)
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