Monday, May 31, 2010

Weightloss; My Ugly Truth

I'm fat. Actually that is probably being nice about it, I'm obese - yes technically I am; shocker right? There was a time I was a slim size 10 - although that is almost 8 - 10 years ago now. A symptom of my PCOS is severve weight problems; I am the type that looks at a chocolate bar and puts on 10lbs.

I can no longer ignore my weight problems!

Apart from the fact that I am unhappy [severely] with my weight and I'm unhealthy AND that it could all lead to worst health problems in the future there is another reason that has prompted me to lose it.

I want a baby.

Again as part of my PCOS I am reproductively challenged. I can't concieve babies naturally, at the very least. I've struggled with this for 3 years and after going through a rather horrific am I/ amn't pregnant episode very recently I've finally pulled the finger out and made the call to an IVF clinic. I'll be meeting with an IVF consultant within the next 6 - 8 weeks to discuss my options and see what they can do for me. I know my weight will stand in my way, so I am doing what I can now; getting a head start.

My body stats:

Laid open and bare, no hiding from them; this is the good, the bad and the ugly. [Don't laugh]

I am 5 foot 6 inches

I weigh 15 stone and 10 3/4 lbs [ 220 3/4 lbs]

I am 47 inches around my belly 

I am 40.5 inches under my breasts

I am 48 inches around the hips

My thighs are 27.5 inches

My upper arms are 14.5 inches

There it is in black and white. [Take deep breath now]

So what am I doing?

Well I've cut our alcohol and take aways for the next month[at least]. I am going to watch what I eat and exercise twice a day. A morning work and a walk in the evening, equally 45 - 60 minutes a day. I'll alternate my morning works out but I found this work out this morning which was great and would recommend to anyone; regardless of their fitness level.

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Vaseline Sheer Infusion - why its possibly the best moisturiser [ever]!

Shock of horrors when I went to the store yesterday my normal [everyday] moisturiser had shot up in price and while I was willing to pay the extra [because I love it] I thought maybe I should see what else is on the market for the 'new' price.

Que: Vaseline Sheer Infusion with Strays 3

For years I avoided Vaseline products; partially to do with their 'mummy' stigma and because when having a facial once [not my normal] beautician asked me what products I used and when I told her Vaseline, she gave me a funny look, so I stopped. [ I was young and impressionable at the time]. Lack of disposable income and the need for reliabitly brought me back to Vaseline about 18 months ago. And thank god it did or I might never have found Vaseline Sheer Infusion with Stratys 3. 

Lets start with asthecitcs

I love the sleek, easy to hold and easy to open bottles. The colours are muted but glamourous and easily stand out [just enough] on your make up counter. My one gripe is that the writing on the back, with ingredients and bumph is small - yes I do read the back of bottles - not that I know what most of it means; I read it all the same. It distributions easily and smells DIVINE! 

Billed As:
The Biggest Breakthrough in Body Lotion in 10 Years

And I might have to agree! Vaseline Sheer Infusion with Stratys 3 has the look and feel of a light every day cream, is non greasy and non tacky [both big pluses in my book] but it has the effect of a heavier, thicker night cream; leaving your skin ubber soft and silky! Like all good creams should, there are of course options in the range: Vaseline Sheer Infusion Vitamin Burst, Vaseline Sheer Infusion Mineral Renewal and Vaseline Sheer Infusion Botanical Blend [ all of course with Stratys 3]

What is Stratys 3?

So as to get this absolutely right I've taken this directly from Stratys-3™ is an effective patented moisturizing complex, combining three powerful ingredients that infuse and suspend moisture across all layers of skin*-- the top, the core, and deep down. 
* stratum corneum (surface skin)
My personal opinion:
I am using Vaseline Sheer Infusion Vitamin Burst, which I paid €4.16 for in Tesco [although I believe the RRP for this will be €5.99) and after only 24 hours and two applications I am noticing a difference. My skin is definitely smoother and silkier and has a lovely healthy glow; despite the grey, rainy day... oh and I smell yummy!

 Vaseline Sheer Infusion with Stratys 3 is so great it even has its own video!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ceiling Fan Cat - round and round he goes!!

I know this is SO cruel, but its absolutely hilarious!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stressed; I know how this guy feels!!

7 Misconceptions Novice Writers often have.

In no partcular order:

1. Anyone can be a writer. 

It is true that anyone can write; once thought the ABC and basic syntax and grammar but that does not mean anyone can be a writer! Writing, as a career, takes dedication, hard work, long hours, constant revision and rejection and can be a very lonely place indeed. It's not a career that is suited to everyone and the term overworked and underpaid is very appropriate.

2.You can't teach yourself to write well; you either have it or you don't.

I'll let you in on a secret; well two actually. The first is rather widely known; Practice makes Perfect. The second; I'm dyslexic and a published author. With each letter, blog, email and book I write I get better. My diction improves, I understand grammar and punctuation more and my spelling improves -I've still a long way to go, as I'm you've noticed - but you can teach yourself or learn to be a better writer.

3. If a Publisher rejects me I must be a bad writer. 

Not entirely true. Its possible that yes the publisher may think your work unpublishable; but that is their opinion. Another might think differently. [JK Rowling was rejected 12 times, she is now a billionarie.] There is also the possibility that your work is not what they are looking for or your genre or style or topic is 'over published' either by them, or in general. Because few, if any, publishers return comments it can be very difficult to know or understand why you've been rejected. But just because you have doesn't mean your are bad.

4. A Publishing Deal is all about the book. 

Not in the slightest! Yes your book must be publishable and definitely must have a market but what is more important [yes even than your book] is your PR angle. How are they going to sell your book to the media who in turn well sell it to the masses. What they are looking for here is 'your story', preferably tied to the book, that they can give as an angle during interviews and as promotion. This can be a sob story, a 'fame' story, an obstacle you've overcome - whatever is best going to help them sell you and in turn your book. [Think about what you and Oprah, Ryan Turbrity, Jonathan Ross etc are going to be talking about while sitting on the couch. Sad as it might seem to you, they really aren't going to discuss your book [for too long].

5. If I post my manscript to a Publisher of course someone will read it. 

Not true I'm afraid. A decent publisher will receive in excess of 300+ manscripts a week. The first line of your introductory letter is possibly the most important line you'l ever write in your life; second only to the first line of your manuscript. Make your introductory letter memorable - Grab Their Attention!

6. My grammar, syntax, spelling and story line is perfect; I wont have to change a thing. 

No doubt you'll have had at least 5 friends and family members read your book for feedback and for the most part they may have advised on small mistakes and errors and told you it was great! [That they can't wait for the next one] [See point 7 for advice on this]  And I'm sure they all meant it; but an editor will ask for changes. There are two reasons for this. 1. they work professionally in the industry and know what works and sells, your family and friends or you [most likely] don't [so listen to their advice] 2. they have to justify their jobs! [N.B. an editor will no doubt make many, many suggestions to you and for the most part they will probably be right, but don't be afraid to disagree with them. This is your book afterall. BUT do remember to have an open mind.]

7. I shouldn't show my work to anyone! 

There are 2 schools of thought on this; 1. You shouldn't show your work; the burden is too much. 2. You should, to at least 5 - 10 - but have a plan!

I'm off the opinion that you should definitely have friends and family look over it; but approach it wisely. Look for a cross section of people in ages and tastes [in book genres]. Compile a list of 10 questions you would like them to answer after they have read it; cover ares like characters, plot, sub plot etc or areas where you are unsure of storyline etc. I would normaly wait until the entire book is finished [first draft] before showing it to many, although I do have one friend read my chapters as I write.

Book Review: The Friday Night Knitting Club: Kate Jacobs

When I first saw The Friday Night Knitting Club on the shelf I was both repelled and inticed; knitting is not something I was oridinarily into. None the less I picked it up and as it sat on my nightstand, while I read Designer Genes, I'll admit to being excited about reading it next.

The back story

The story centres around Georgia Walker, her daughter Dakota, their small Yarn Shop and the myrad of customers there. The book continually surprised me with twists and turns that I definitely wasn't expecting. I missed out slighting, not being a knitter, on what I'm sure where lovely imagines of the various patterns and yarns and wools there were described, but I loved it all the same.So much so that a few chapters in I had a huge urge to knit! [Am off to discuss lessons with my mother shortly - knitter extradinaire!]

The Friday Night Knitting Club is just a lovely, lovely read!

Ms. Jacobs created some lovely family and friendship moments and her characters are very real, so much so that I didn't warm to one or two and while they annoyed me, it made the book all the better.

I definitely laughed and cried during this one. It is just a lovely, lovely read. For me I would categorise it in the long [or continuous] journey; bus, train, plane area as the best place to read it!

Well worth reading (almost) 9/10 [Isn't anything that's appeared on the New York Best Sellers List?]

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lost - re-enacted by Cats in 1 minute - much better than the original!

8 reasons it's your fault I'm stressed out right now!

1. Because I should be 25 weeks pregnant today and I'm not.

2. My rhuburb pie turned out like a salty stew!

3. Because I'm having a fat life.

4. Because I need a holiday - even my fortune cards say so!!

5. I'll have to read through the night to make my thursday reading deadline.

6. I'm already finished my bottle of wine.

7. There's a box of Qualtiy Street daring me to eat them [see point No. 3].

8. And finally cause I'm in a terrible mood.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

My mornings are DIVINE because of Treacle Moon!

I am not a morning person, but I love my morning showers!

Why you ask?

Because of Treacle Moon.

What is Treacle Moon I hear you ask?

Treacle Moon is a company that produce the most amazing bathing products ever, fact! 

'The Raspberry Kiss' is my personal favourite, but I'm quite happy to use any [or all] of them! Their products smell SO good and divinely edible that they actually have to put on the labels 'please do not eat this product... its for your skin only!'

If you haven't already tried them, you must! Today! I buy mine from Tescos but you can also purchase them direct from their site.

Oh and if you are looking for the perfect [and I mean the bestest prefectest] ex-foliating shower glove too, Elle Macpherson's is by far the best I have ever used [and I've tried alot, believe me!] AND as luck would have it, the good people who produce Treacle Moon also produce Elle's range too - a fact I was [surprise] shocked to discover!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Book Review: Designer Genes by Emma Hannigan

It was suggested to me by someone in the publishing world that I should read [among others] this book as its sales are doing quite well at the moment.

A short back story:

The story focuses on two best friends, Emily Cusack and Susie Rosedale. Emily discovers that she is carrying a heredity gene that predisposes her to cancer and Susie is the psychotherapists who is a mess. As you will have guessed the story is a race against time for Emily facing cancer and Susie coming to grips with herself, her family and what she really wants in life before its too late.

Praise to the Author for her achievements 

It's a nice story. I wouldn't say I was blown away; in fact I cried more during the Acknowledgments and Dedication than I did through the book itself. I felt the story lacked something, what I don't know. Which is an odd comment to make considering the author Emma, went through a very similar ordeal and medical procedures as her main character Emily. I did feel that parts of the story were unique or [before] 'untouched', particularly those that focused around Emily. But removing the human interest and PR angle of Emma having gone through the same I felt that Emily didn't convey enough emotion to me [the reader] to make me 'feel' what was happening to her. For my the 'Susie side of the story' was too run of the mill and just a page filler.

Perhaps I am being too harsh, maybe thats just because it was recommended to me. I do think its a good book. Not a 'sit by the pool' holiday read though. More a warm cozy fire, depth of winter kind.

Worth reading: 7 out of 10.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How easy is it to get a Credit Card?

Husband applies for new credit card.

Credit Card Provider requests additional information.

Hubby and I decide we are not bothered with new Credit Card.

Credit Card company get wind of this and send out €5k Credit Card with 10 months interest free on balance transfers.

[ Oh don't worry Mr. & Mrs. Husband and Wife we don't need any additional information or proof of income for valued customers such as yourselves!]

So my question is: 

Is the recession over, in denial or about to have 'the re-coming'?    

Why Health Insurance should include/ cover 'stress relief holidays' !!

Did you know that stress can cause severe health breakdowns?

Stress, a relatively recent psychological and biological term, first coined in the 1930's covers a wide range of phenomenon, from mild irritation to drastic dysfunction that may cause severe health breakdowns. Signs of stress can be cognitive, emotional, physical or behavioral.Signs include poor judgment, a general negative outlook, excessive worrying, moodiness, irritability, agitation, inability to relax, feeling lonely, isolated or depressed, aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pains, rapid heartbeat, eating too much or not enough, sleeping too much or not enough, social withdrawal, procrastination or neglect of responsibilities, increased alcohol intake, nicotine or drug consumption and nervous habits such as pacing around or nail bitting. [ Source Wikipedia]

I might be stressed, but my Boss will never buy it!

A recent article in The Independent explained that it is estimated that stress in the work place costs British companies in the region of £26 Billion per year. Can your Boss [and your Health Insurer] afford not to take you seriously?

Which is cheaper holiday or hospital stay?

A close friend recently spent 7 days in hospital at a cost of €6,000.00 to her insurer and subsequent cost of €1,000.00 [and counting] in out patient costs. The reason? Chronic IBS brought on by stress. [She remains uncured]. 

It is estimated [by my friend and I] that between €2,500.00 - €3,000.00 would provide a very decent TWO week  Stress Relief Holiday for a couple [sans children, this is supposed to be stress free after all!]. The result? TWO relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated 'patients'. AND a happy Health Insurer with an extra €11,000.00 [and counting] in their bank account. [Not to mention all those extra hospital beds which would be available AND our stressed and overworked Nurses would have less patients to deal with :) ] 

The Reality

It's unlikely that a Health Insurer will ever deem it suitable or 'profitable' to include Stress Relief Holidays as part of their packages; this I find ironic because my Doctor has often told me what I really need is a holiday! So clearly they are medically approved and prescribed! 


On the off chance my blog actually get us [all] somewhere [foreign] please leave a comment and 'sign' your name to our petition to get Health Insurers to include/ cover Stress Relief Holidays in their packages! - if we get enough names I'll send them on to Health Insurers!!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Top 7 Reasons to Subscribe to STELLAR!!

I think my friends are sick of me going on about STELLAR.

Every month when Postman Pat (yes my Postman is named Pat!) pushes STELLAR through the letterbox I down tools, stick on the kettle and at the very least have a quick flick through to see what wonders and nuggets of gold are jam packed in.

Because I have run out of friends to share this with I am now turning to you, the blogging masses to convince you to buy STELLAR!

1. Only €2.00 an issue.

I could just say, enough said; like really, what can you get for only €2.00 nowadays? At just €2.00 or €22.00 for 11 issues this is by far [in my opinion] one of the best bargains in Ireland at the moment. Even  a decent €2.00 Euro shop wont offer you as much value or entertainment as STELLAR will. AND I haven't even mention the FABULOUS subscription gifts they offer each month; currently its The Daily Energizer skincare range by Clairns [worth (€56.00). If only I could resubscribe for the gift :( 

2. Easy to read.

Now this is going to make me sound like a big auld granny but you can actually read it, as in the type is not size 3 and squished together to make room for as many ads as possible! Its all nicely printed, with fun colours, loads of pics and the articles are the perfect lenght for that quick minute flick, to savour with over your favourite cup of cha or while you have a quick weedle (come on, we know you are out there). 

3. 'Real' writers

STELLAR is a mag for real women written by real women. These aren't 'the have it all', 'look at me, look at me' types that we often see in other high end, high fashion mags, these are honest to goddness writers and women with their own problems, dreams and aspirations, which in my opinion is lead to my next point. 

4. Fresh, fun and funky Articles

Of course STELLAR has the obligatory pages filled with fashion fixes and tips but it is also filled with fresh, fun and funky articles that effect our lives. 'When you sex life loses its fizz' , 'Kiss self-doubt goodbye' , 'What it means to be Irish' and 'Fallback Girl' - while the titles all appear to have your traditional 'womens mag' 'light' title, the writing is fair more journalistic and hard hitting then you might expect of a woman's fashion magazine. If I have to say one thing about the general aim of this magazine [for me] its about empowerment for women! 

5. It's not all about the traditional 'Celeb' Cover Girls 

Ireland has its fair share of famous Irish women and STELLAR is not shy about putting them on the cover - which I love! Sure SJP and Angie have appeared but so have Rosie and Glenda - ok maybe they are not to everyones taste but they are successful Irish women - more power to them I say! 

6. Features Affordable Fashion

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Penny's girl. LOVE THE PLACE. Great for pick me ups, must haves and even that daily essential. So its no designer label, but its affordable, accessible and stocks some great clothes. STELLAR agrees with me! Their fashion pages and articles are littered with gorgeous finds and we're not talking of the remortgaging kind. From Pennys to Dunnes, Debenhams to River Island all the shops (that you and me) can afford and get to are there!! 

7. Written for the Irish Lass, by the Irish Lass! 

Ok, so the editor is an Aussie, but the Irish practically built Australia so I'm sure she is like 1/8 or even 3/5's Irish. But its clear that this is an Irish fashion magazine for the Irish market - sure it would work aboard too - but this ones for use girls! FINALLY! 

So if these reasons haven't convinced you to subscribe I'm sending the heavies around!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My 8 Top Gardening Tips for Beginners

As some of you will know I recently started on a gardening buzz and am now the proud [owner] gardener of many tomato, pepper and chilli plants, not to mention rows of rocket lettuce and a 'soon to be born' crop of forget-me-nots. Here are some small, invaluable tips I've either discovered or picked up along the way;

1. Start Small

In both the quantity/ variety that you plant and the size of the container that you plant your seeds in.

Start off with just one 'crop'. Keep it simple. As they start to grow and you become more confident plant others.

Also plant your seeds in small containers, this will make them easier to manage initially and means you can keep them inside and keep an eye on them. Very important if there is still frost about!

2. Don't over pay for seeds

Of course you don't have to start with seeds, you can buy partially grown plants, but I get great joy out of the whole process and know that I have grown them from the start!

It seems that nearly every shop is selling seeds at the moment; perhaps they always have and I've just noticed because I am 'into gardening' now. But from Super Value to Centre, Dunnes, Lidl in fact most food stores now have them tucked away somewhere!

I find Lidl to be the best value. They have packets starting from 79c [with over 150 seeds in them] and even have little growing kits with tubs and soil and a whole host of tools for about €6.99. I really wouldn't want to pay above €2.50 for a pack of seeds, unless it was something a little bit special!

3. Remember to add good drainage to your pots

Before you plant your seeds ensure that water can easily drain through and out of your pots. Firstly your pot should have a hole in the bottom; if it doesn't add one yourself. Then fill the base of your pot with stones or broken pieces of an old pot; 1-2cm for small pots, an inch or two for medium sized etc.

This will ensure that your roots aren't constantly soaked in water which would result in them [essentially] drowning.

4. Use a baby beaker as a watering can

As your seeds break the soil they will be fragile and delicate; don't worry though they are still very strong! Large watering cans, or even small cups often have a harsh flow of water that can almost 'drown' your little stalks. Using a baby breaker [from the 2 Euro shop] will give a lovely gently sprinkle of water - perfect for your little babies!

Oh and ps on planting I give my seeds a good watering and then water every 2 - 3 days.

5. Window sills are like mini glass houses!

I am growing everything indoors at the moment. All my plants are on window sills; they act as fantastic mini glass houses!!

Just remember; unless you have trays under your planters or pots to put down some old tea towels to catch the draining water or your window sills and floors will get destroyed.

6. Water terracotta pots often!

All my plants are currently in plastic pots, which as I said above, I water every 2-3 days. If you chose to use terracotta pots [which I will be shortly re-planting into] you need to water a little more regularly.

You see the terracotta itself absorbs the water from the plant and so your soil will dry out much quicker. Always read what the best conditions are for the seeds you have planted [will be on the back of the pack] but for the most part if the soil is damp to the touch you'll be grand.

7. Turn pots around every so often

As your plants grow you will notice that they grown towards the sun and the light. Turn the pots around every day or so so that they 'straighten' themselves and not just grow in one direction!

8. Label your pots!

Label your pots when you plant them with the seed you've planted and the date.

As you begin to expand your 'garden' you will notice that many plant shoots start the same, this is to avoid confusion over what is what. Also by dating them you'll know how far into the germination [growing] process they are; each plant/ seed takes a different amount of time to grow.

Happy growing everyone!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Taking writing back to basics!

Most of you will know that I am a writer. With 2 books completed I was well into book number 3; that was however until a well known publisher expressed interest in book 2.

Book 2, entitled 'Purple Tulips' was the story of a reproductively challenged woman and her struggle with the idea of having children. It was a story I was proud of; but always felt it needed more. It appears I was right! While the 'well known publisher' thought I showed great promise and potential, they felt the story lacked strength; something which had niggled at the back of my mind.

So armed with their suggestions and advice, today I am taking the story back to basics.

Common Character Types 

Pulling apart almost 6 months of work was never going to be easy; but I have enjoyed 'killing' some of characters; its refreshed and revived the work. 

One of the things I concentrated on today was looking at common character types, I identified seven. 

The Flat Character 

The person who reveals one or two personality traits that never change throughout the book. 

Example: The fat, grumpy shopkeeper, who always mumbles when handing you your change. 

The Foil 

A character that is used to enhance another. 

Example: Think Cinderella and her ugly stepsisters. 

The Round Character

A character who is well developed and demonstrates varied and sometimes contradictory personality traits. Round characters are often dynamic (see below); they change in some way during the course of the novel. 

Example: The mean and bitchy cheerleader who offers a helping hand to the nerdy underdog. 

The Confidante

The person the central character confides in, thus revealing their personality, thoughts ad intentions. A confidante does not have to be a person. 

Example: A shy, but yearning young girl fills the pages of her diary with her hopes and dreams. 

The Dynamic Character 

Someone who changes during the course of the novel; this change is always permanent. 

Example: The dark, brooding recluse falls in love and becomes a happy, function member of society. 

The Stock Character 

A special kind of flat character that is instantly recognizable.

Example: The ruthless businessman and the dumb blonde.

It's worth noting...  

That many characters are often a combination of the above listed common character types; obviously not those that are a contradiction in terms! 

Getting back to basic as been good for me, looking at my characters and how I can develop them will inject a new, fresh lease of life into my story. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Oh to be a man!

Tomorrow is the wedding of a dear friend.

In preparation for the big day I've bought a new dress, shoes, bag, underwear, jewelery, and bow for my hair, am borrowing a white bolero, tonight I will subject myself to a waxing/ tanning and mani-pedi session like never seen before and in the morning I'm getting my hair cut and styled. I'll then come home and 'fix' my hair, put on my make up and get dressed.

In the morning James will get up have a shit, shower and shave, put on a suit (that I will have picked out for him) and get into the car.

- Where's the equality?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

One small change

If you always do, what you always did, you will always get what you always got.

So, one small change can make a difference.

What change do I make?

Suggestions welcome.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

They say..

you should do one thing a day that scares you. Not really a nice prospect, is it? Well today I am doing something that scares me; tearing apart my novel and putting it back together, hopefully in a much more publishable way!

Having submitted it to many publishers, I got a request from a very well known international publisher for the full manuscript; after their careful consideration I was told that I had great potential as a writer but that my story line was letting me down.

Undeterred and with some very encouraging words from the publisher I am in the process of critically looking at my ‘masterpiece’ and pulling it to shreds – a very daunting task I can tell you!

Pulling fifty six chapters of blood sweat and tears apart and trying to re-write a first half which is more ‘literary and dark’ to be more commercial is nearly more terrifying than writing the novel itself! But publishers are in the business of publishing books and I am in the business of writing books so am going to take all the [much appreciated] constructive criticism I received it and put it to good use!

Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Furbaby; Tilly the Bichon Frise

I was clearing out some old photo folders and came across a whole heap of photos of Tilly; one of my furbabies, that I thought I would share with you.

Tilly is my 3 year old Bichon Frise and just a total dote!

Tilly considers herself human and always sleeps on her back - mostly on my bed!

This is Tilly and my cat Achilles; he's not nearly playful enough for her!

Tilly loves her comfort and when she is not terrorizing her own teddy's she is sleeping amongst mine!

She is such a cheeky girl, here she is actually in the bed!!


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