A short back story:
The story focuses on two best friends, Emily Cusack and Susie Rosedale. Emily discovers that she is carrying a heredity gene that predisposes her to cancer and Susie is the psychotherapists who is a mess. As you will have guessed the story is a race against time for Emily facing cancer and Susie coming to grips with herself, her family and what she really wants in life before its too late.
Praise to the Author for her achievements
It's a nice story. I wouldn't say I was blown away; in fact I cried more during the Acknowledgments and Dedication than I did through the book itself. I felt the story lacked something, what I don't know. Which is an odd comment to make considering the author Emma, went through a very similar ordeal and medical procedures as her main character Emily. I did feel that parts of the story were unique or [before] 'untouched', particularly those that focused around Emily. But removing the human interest and PR angle of Emma having gone through the same I felt that Emily didn't convey enough emotion to me [the reader] to make me 'feel' what was happening to her. For my the 'Susie side of the story' was too run of the mill and just a page filler.
Perhaps I am being too harsh, maybe thats just because it was recommended to me. I do think its a good book. Not a 'sit by the pool' holiday read though. More a warm cozy fire, depth of winter kind.
Worth reading: 7 out of 10.
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