On my path to enlightenment and better focus I've been toying with the idea of doing meditation. Yesterday I decided I would do a little research to see what was involved. I typed what I thought was meditation into Google and glanced down the various entries it spat out at me and choose wikipedia's explanation as a good place to start.
You can imagine my initial confusion when the first line I read said ' Mediation, as used in law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), is a way of resolving disputes between two or more parties. ' It took me about 3 seconds to realise perhaps I better try again. I learnt three important things after that;
- How to spell meditation.
- That meditation will not bring up any unpleasant memories or thoughts that I had been suppressing [one of the things I feared and main reasons I had never tried it before]
- Meditation does not involve chanting or humming [another something that had been putting me off].
I sat on the bed, relaxed and concentrated on my breathing. I was in the process of clearing my mind when the dog started barking. I tried to ignore her. Then the gardener started cutting the green out front. I tried to ignore him. I tried to focus on my breathing. Then I thought to myself this might make an interesting blog post. I then realised that my mind was supposed to clear and deciding now, how or what topics to cover in a blog wasn't the aim of the game. The lawn mower seemed to get louder and the dog was flighting with it for decibel space, my nose was focused on the reminents of carbon left in the air from the candle I had lit to create, what I had hoped would be, a calm and relaxing space and then my mind wondered to what I would do next; again defeating the purpose of meditation. I pushed myself to calm the mind and think of nothing; not an easy task for someone who likes to be 10 steps ahead at all times. I persisted for 10 minutes but between the dog, lawn mower, carbon in the air and my wandering mind I thought it best to give up, for the day.
I'm hoping today's attempt will be better!
Image from www.lyndsaycabildo.com
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