Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Mantra: Sometimes a big mess is totally worth it!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I respect your right to choose...

It doesn't mean I have to be ok with it though.

I'll let you in on a secret; I can't have children, at least not naturally. I never knew how much I actually wanted them until a couple of days after my honeymoon... yes, that is when I found out it wasn't to going to happen. Its rather funny really, when it wasn't even something that we were trying, or even discussing; an entirely different, [or so we thought] medical complaint result in that answer: life sucks at times.

Its taken me four years to get to where we are now, a happier place, but sometimes, like today, I think:WHY?

One of my besties has just given birth, her second, a beautiful bouncing baby baby, he is so utterly tiny that you would just devour him lock, stock and barrel. I now know how parents while away hours just watching the little dotes.

I'd known for some time that she was going to have her tubes tied, we discussed it, I understand her reasons, part of me perhaps even agrees with her, but still... oh to have that choice... to be able to smell that new baby smell and know it was mine...

I've tried four years to get to that smell, I've had procedures and tablets and counselling, but nothing. I've watched others have 1,2 and sometimes 3 precious little ones in that space of time...

So I respect your right to choose, but I'm not ok with it.

Knowledge is Power; its awful when you have neither!

Right now I am building a website, or at least I am trying to.

I would not consider myself uber tech savy, but I can navigate around an app or two, I've even tried and successful programmed the time of multiple DVD players over the years :) but even for me building a website was perhaps a little ambitious. That said I am nearly there. It's probably taken about 17 days to get to this point... ok not 17 full days, but you get the picture; the goal is almost in sight. I can taste the freedom of a launch, but for ONE obstacle.

It's a simple one, but this could prove fatal. Ok, that was a clear exaggeration... but still :(

I am using Joomla!, I've navigated plug-ins, template changes, modules, articles, sections, categories, new menus, old editors, tutorials, deleted, found, created and invented so much and the final piece of the puzzle? I can't get a damn image to display where I want it. In fact, I can't get the damn image to display at all!

Of course I've read forums and articles and blog posts on the topic, but I am either truly 'thick', or too involved with the situation that I can't see the wood for the trees. I even Skyped the helpful 'how-to' guy in Oz for help... but once he realised I was still on a demo package and hadn't upgraded it quickly became a sales call.

He had the answer... he even told me 'oh I've done that lots'... GRRR well tell me how! And yes ok $20.00 a month is not a king's random, and he did say I could cancel when I want, but its the principal of the matter... I got this far... I managed to do EVERYTHING else... making an image appear where I want it should be child's play... shouldn't it?

Damn you Joomla and your knowledge... you have the power over me and I fear you might win, or all my work will be in vain!


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