Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Knowledge is Power; its awful when you have neither!

Right now I am building a website, or at least I am trying to.

I would not consider myself uber tech savy, but I can navigate around an app or two, I've even tried and successful programmed the time of multiple DVD players over the years :) but even for me building a website was perhaps a little ambitious. That said I am nearly there. It's probably taken about 17 days to get to this point... ok not 17 full days, but you get the picture; the goal is almost in sight. I can taste the freedom of a launch, but for ONE obstacle.

It's a simple one, but this could prove fatal. Ok, that was a clear exaggeration... but still :(

I am using Joomla!, I've navigated plug-ins, template changes, modules, articles, sections, categories, new menus, old editors, tutorials, deleted, found, created and invented so much and the final piece of the puzzle? I can't get a damn image to display where I want it. In fact, I can't get the damn image to display at all!

Of course I've read forums and articles and blog posts on the topic, but I am either truly 'thick', or too involved with the situation that I can't see the wood for the trees. I even Skyped the helpful 'how-to' guy in Oz for help... but once he realised I was still on a demo package and hadn't upgraded it quickly became a sales call.

He had the answer... he even told me 'oh I've done that lots'... GRRR well tell me how! And yes ok $20.00 a month is not a king's random, and he did say I could cancel when I want, but its the principal of the matter... I got this far... I managed to do EVERYTHING else... making an image appear where I want it should be child's play... shouldn't it?

Damn you Joomla and your knowledge... you have the power over me and I fear you might win, or all my work will be in vain!

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