How long have you been writing?
I was born into a semi-rural family farm in North County Dublin, Ireland. My upbringing was characteristic of the
One notable element of our family life that I remember to this day was the hard-fought debates every weekend, where no subject was taboo, and as teenagers of course we often took a contrarian view to our parents’ traditional beliefs simply because we were, well, teenagers! I received a good education, and was destined to be a farmer for life, working with my now-deceased Dad on the family farm, mostly growing potatoes (how Irish can you get?!).
But when I was in my early twenties, I had a serious accident on the farm, breaking both legs quite badly (I was less than impressed when a succession of surgeons told me how lucky I was to have survived the fall!). But this was one of my big learning experiences – as I lay for weeks in a hospital bed, in severe pain and fear, I saw patient after patient moving through the orthopaedic ward. And it slowly dawned on me that the surgeons were right – I was lucky! I was alive. I was not paralysed. I would (eventually) be able to walk again.
Lesson #1 – No matter how bad it gets, it could be worse (and probably is, for someone not too far away).
And so I had to quit the manual labour of farming and move to an office job. I set up an IT business with my then wife, and we had a family – three of the most incredible young adults when I look at them today. We eventually sold the business and got 9-5 jobs, and life rolled on relatively uneventfully. Unfortunately, the marriage then ended, and that was another time of pain and hurt for all involved. But as we all struggled to cope with a difficult situation, I slowly learned another lesson, though it may have taken me a long time to hear it clearly.
Lesson #2 – We can survive, no matter how damaged we are. Things can get better. There is always hope.
It was during that difficult time that I began searching for another purpose in my life. I am a parent, which I consider to be one of the highest callings, and that gives me value and fulfilment. I was working in a desk job, which in truth gave me no real satisfaction, being a means to an end (paying the mortgage!), rather than an end in itself. And as I flailed about looking for a new reason for my existence, it came to me like a bolt out of the blue. It wasn’t a gradual dawning; it was that famed “
Lesson #3 – Anyone can write a book. You don’t even have to be very good at spelling or vocabulary or anything like that – those elements can be addressed by a good editor. The essence of any book is its story, and anyone can tell a story. If you want to write a book, I say to you … “Go for it”. Sit down, and whether you handwrite it or type it, just start writing. See what happens. In the hope that it might be of some support and guidance to you, allow me to tell you the story of how I wrote my first story, Laura’s Legacy.
Once I get away, I sit down at my laptop (I have to type, because my handwriting is atrociously bad!) and start typing. I don’t know where the story comes from – once I clear my mind and relax, the story simply arises. When I start typing, depending on what is happening at that point in the story, I might or might not have a vague idea of what is about to happen. Nevertheless, I am regularly surprised by the twists and turns that the story takes, despite being the person writing the story.
Lesson #4 - For an independently-published novel, the hard work really begins the day you launch it. I held a series of Regional Launches around
Who has most influenced or inspired your writing?
I used writer’s privilege to coin this new word, a combination of Thriller and Philosophy. I was surprised to find an entry in Wikipedia for “Philosophical Fiction”, which is defined as “works of fiction in which a significant proportion of the work is devoted to a discussion of the sort of questions normally addressed in discursive philosophy”; but I would be honoured to be counted amongst the literary giants noted in that article as having written Philosophical Fiction; though some of my influences such as Paolo Coelho and Mitch Albom are surprisingly absent from the list.
What is your most favourite book and why?
It’s so hard to pick a single book! If you had to take a journey from doubt and confusion to find a clearer and better place, I would say these three, in this order:
2. The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman VincentPeale
3. The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle
Stephen Hawking’s more recent works are fascinating, blurring the boundaries between what is and is not possible, pointing to hard scientific evidence that alternative realities and universes may indeed exist!
As a young teenager, I read The Killing Anniversaryby Ian St. James, which taught me that there are always two sides to a story, and even when you disagree with someone’s point of view, you should still seek to understand how they came to that point of view.
On the fantasy side, I always loved The Lord of theRings, long before it was mainstream, and also The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever by Stephen Donaldson.
And on the thriller side, again long before it was mooted as a movie, The Bourne Identity was my favourite book by Robert Ludlum, my favourite thriller writer.
What is the worst book you have ever read and why?
What are you currently working on?
As the tension ratchets skywards, the reader considers questions about the true nature of the environment and the possibly unlimited potential of the human being. An alternative view of the natural world and our place in it is considered. There are views on sustainable living that cover the spectrum from the individual to corporations to society as a whole. Readers will (I hope!) find themselves reassessing their view of the environment, and rethinking how they interact with the natural world and with each other.
I am currently doing the cover design, and the book will go to the publisher in early January for a planned Launch date of March 2013.
What is your favourite genre to read and to write?
What tips would you give readers when choosing a book?
But seriously, I think the most important thing is actually to vary your reading. Similar to trying to get your daily news from different sources, I think it is good for our minds and our hearts to read different genres, from fiction to non-fiction. And of course, nothing beats the recommendation of a close friend, as they know us best.
What tip would you give authors when promoting their books?
A lot is dependant on time, and if you know anyone who has ever worked in the media, they are now your best friend!!! A good website is a must – was my attempt for my first book, but it is currently being rebuilt from scratch, with a full e-commerce solution – I believe this is a must. You have to be able to sell your own book, in paper and electronic format, from your own website.
I think your mindset as you begin has to be that if you break-even financially on the venture, then that is a huge success! Very few authors can make a full-time living from their writing, and even fewer become the J.K. Rowlings of this world. Social Media is a must for spreading the word, and you have to cajole everyone you know to spread the word about your book.
You need to be prepared to put a lot of time into it. Social Media, Blog, media, bookshops – they all need time and attention. Having said all that scary stuff, there are few greater joys in the world as an author than to walk into a bookshop and see your books on the shelf J
In the movie of your {most recent} book who would play your characters? {Please give us the name of the book and the name of the character each actor would play}
Other than writing do you have any other passions/ hobby's or jobs?
What's your dream?
But in the context of this Blog, my dream is to be a full-time writer. Not to be wildly successful, that’s irrelevant really. But to be able to write full-time, to be able to dedicate myself in my working life to helping people through my writing, that would be incredible. So please, tell everyone to visit when Amy’s Amazon is launched in the Spring and to buy the bookJ Email me on, and I’ll let you know the exact date of the Launch once it is confirmed …
Tell us something few know about you?
If you could write a book with any famous author, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
I would have Robert Ludlum at the table, for his mastery of suspense and intrigue.
Have you any big writing plans for 2013?
What is the best review of your work you've received to date?
“"I really enjoyed the book … got a great message out of the book … no point in worrying about the past, no point in worrying about the future, the only thing you can impact is the present, trying my best to live by that, and enjoy life to the full … well done, looking forward to book 2”,
which was really important to me as the whole point of the Thrillosophy books is to entertain whilst also giving readers food for thought – when I feel that people can apply some of these thoughts to their own lives to make a difference in their day-to-day existence, then that is incredible feedback for me.
The other instance was when I was in a pub with friends, and there were people there that I didn’t know. One of the girls started talking about this absolutely incredible book she read, and how she had given it to someone who was in a difficult place at the time, because she felt the book could really help that person. She praised this book with unlimited appreciation, and told us all that we should go our and buy it. When someone asked her for the name of this fantastic book, she said “Laura’s Legacy” – I burst into spontaneous tears, as it was the first time that I had received feedback from someone who didn’t know me before reading the book, and still didn’t know who I was as she talked to me about the book. Pure magic.
Is there anything else you would like to share or tell us?
I respectfully ask that you support all new authors – to do so is to support the Arts, support local enterprise, support local employment, and support someone in their dream. Email me with all and any feedback on the above, and thank you so much for taking the time to read my story.
Do remember to stalk, connect, hook up and support Anthony:
Twitter Handle: @Thrillosophy – keep reading, and it’ll make sense eventually!!!
Facebook Link?
Anthony Whelan, I’ll have to look up the direct link
Blog/ Website? – My website is currently undergoing radical surgery, with a completely new (and better) look and feel, and new functionality, including a full e-commerce platform and downloads of e-books directly from the website, plus a Blog that I’ll commence when my next book is launched next Spring.
Facebook Link?
Anthony Whelan, I’ll have to look up the direct link
Blog/ Website? – My website is currently undergoing radical surgery, with a completely new (and better) look and feel, and new functionality, including a full e-commerce platform and downloads of e-books directly from the website, plus a Blog that I’ll commence when my next book is launched next Spring.
1 comment:
Hi Bláithín - thanks a million for sharing!!! Wishing you and yours a fantastic festive season, and a peaceful & proposperous 2013. X
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