First I better say that I do not regard anyone in the cast of Twilight as an Idol, I am however obsessed, with Twilight that is, not the cast. I love each of them, [their characters that is], the actors I could [now] take or leave.
When Twilight was first released, my love for Edward transcended time and space onto Rob Pattinson as well. [Briefly] I became obsessed with the actor as well as his character portrayal of Edward. I openly poo pooed, from the start, any mention or reference to him having any relationship with anyone, let alone his broody co-star. Now? - leave me Edward, do what you like with Rob.
I should clarify, I didn't meet my 'idol' [obsession] but the more I read about him the more I thought... right...! Clearly he is not the person I thought him to be and the lack of personal hygiene totally put a stop to my growing fixation.
The romance that was growing [if a little one sided] between me and the cast of Twilight was quickly diminishing, especially when I started to look at the rest of them; I love Kristen Stewart's portrayal of Bella in the movies but am I the only one to think that this actress might just be a one trick pony? She does dejected, lonely, broody and emotionally explosive really well - but that just seems to be Kristen and not her acting skills. Happy to be proved wrong on this, but me thinks once the Twilight Saga is done, we wont be seeing much more of this one, unless [teenage] angst becomes a big Hollywood seller?
Now I am clearly in Camp Edward but even I can appreciate Jacob... that body would make anyone weep with pleasure [aside from the fact that it might be slightly indecent, him being a mere teen], but really, apart from perfectly coiffered hair, chiseled abs and fast cars is there anything more to Taylor Lautner? Perhaps, unlike his female co-star, he might have more than 'one trick' but it seems to me that he definitely has only 'one look'. And at that, isn't he becoming slightly in/un human. Like seriously - we all know that Clearasil is good but its not that good?Is Taylor Lautner actually human or is he the next generation iRobot? If so, I want one, but just not on my cinema screen ;)
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