In the past 6 weeks I've ballooned and put on a stone. When I eventually dared get on the scales I nearly cried. I am at the absolute heaviest I have ever been in my life. I wasn't surprised I had gained weight, I had noticed in creeping on rather quickly over the past few weeks, but I was surprised at the amount! Well maybe surprised is too light a term. [SHOCKED!!]
Now many of you would be forgiven for thinking that this weight gain was purely glutinous, especially those of you how know me for my sweet tooth, but I can honestly say that is not the case [this time]. It appears the reason for my new extra expansive waist line is from a more naturally based substance - wheat. [evil, evil]
Most likely as a result of some further PCOS [complication/ symptom] I have developed an intolerance to wheat. When it was first suggested to me I thought my life [or at least my feeding life] was over. After careful research and substitution of certain foods I've discovered its not that bad. Perhaps I am being a little hasty though in that assumption, I am, after all, only on Day 2 of my new wheat free regime, but so far so good. My main fear with going on a wheat free diet was the lack of sauces, breads and biscuits that I could have. But I've discovered that most tomato [my favourite] based sauces are ok and I've purchased some wheat free floor and already made some wheat free soda bread [which was delicious!]. And later today I am going to investigate baking some cookies or scones.
Eating out is another concern I have, not that I've been doing a hell of a lot of it of late, but when the time comes its something I will need to prepare myself for, as at home I can regulate and check what comes into the house, but in a restaurant I am going to have to be more careful, prehaps even be one of those annoying diners who asks what is in everything! [now wont that be fun!] I have found one restaurant in Dublin who caters for [amongst others] a wheat free diet, so I will definitely pop in there [Cornucopia, Wicklow Street] and see what the menu is like.
It anyone has any tips or suggestions for me drop me a line or leave a comment!
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