Monday, June 14, 2010

Update TWO to Weight Loss: My Ugly Truth

Week Two is over 

And I am as surprised as the rest of your to report that I have lost MORE weight!I'll admit that this week I was brilliant with the auld exercising at all. I did focus on tummy crunches and thigh crunches [at least that's what I'm calling the thigh ones!]

The results 

I've lost a further 2.5 lbs AND a further inch lost total for this week of 4.5 inches of my body. 

My even 'newer' body stats

I am 5 foot 6 inches

I weigh 15 stone and 6 1/4 lbs [ 216 1/4 lbs] - Total weight loss = 4.5 lbs

I am 46 inches around my belly - Total inch loss = 1 inches

I am 39.5 inches under my breasts - Total inch loss = 1 inch

I am 46 inches around the hips - Total inch loss = 2 inch

My thighs are 26.5 inches - Total inch loss = 1 inches

My upper arms are 12.5 inches - Total inch loss = 2 inch

I feel fantastic! 

And shocked and surprised! In total from March, I have lost 1 stone, as of today! Most of that was due to the wheat free diet was on, but the last 4.5 lbs has been down to my healthy eating and exercise routine of the past two weeks.

Still to go

16.3 lbs, to be achieved by July 31st, 2010 - that's just a little under 3lbs a week - something I haven't achieved as yet but I'm still geared and focused to the goal!

Wish me luck!

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