In my life I have many guilty pleasures and many things that yes, you could say I am addicted to. Some are more acceptable than others. One addiction, that even I will admit to being just plain wrong is my addiction for watching 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' -I'll wait now while you all shake your heads in disdain.
I know, I know, there is so much about this show that should make me turn it off and possibly throw the remote through the set in disgust, but for some reason I just can't get enough of the show. I'm not quite sure whether its the cutness of the kids (come on, even you can admit they are pretty darn cute), the loudness of Kate or her slow emancipation of her husband Jon that keeps me watching but I do.
What scares me the most is, that I can actually see strong personality similarities between Kate and I and while I cringe at some of the things she says and does, I know its mostly because I am thinking, crap do I look/ sound/ come off as bad as that when I say/ do that?!
AND not only do we share similar personalities, but like Kate I too suffer from PCOS and currently my strongest option for a family is also through IVF. So perhaps my inability to turn off the TV is really some inner perverse desire to become the Irish Jon & Kate Plus 8? Well I'm not sure that James & Blá Plus 8 would have the same ring to it and the fact that my darling hubby and brother have already 'laid down the law' and said under no circumstances am I having multiples sorta puts a kink in the works too. Perhaps I will just have to come up with another way to have my own reality TV show and make my millions. Besides I am totally against child labour!
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