In my life I've been prone to doing many mad and odd things and while I am willingly taking part in this latest venture (if they'll have me) I can't take credit for the idea. About a week ago my bbffff called and said;
'Blá can you talk?' [this should have been my first indication that what was to follow wasn't going to be good]
As it transpired my darling bbffff had decided that we, YES WE, were applying to Channel 4's 'How to look good naked' and had just downloaded the application forms. She informed me that I had no choice in the matter. Now, having never actually seen the program the title alone put me off, as I expected that it would involve, showing to the world, 'what the stork saw'... not a pretty sight in my mind! Needless to say she talked me into it with the lure of copious amounts of vino and nibbles while we fill in the sizable application form!
Today I got around to watching an episode online and while I don't relish in the fact of potentially getting my kit off in front of total strangers I think the experience will be very positive! Thats not to say that if I am actually successful and get on the show, that I won't be ABSOLUTELY terrified of showing my bits to the public, or even a small room of trained professionals!
So tomorrow is the night when my bbfff and I, will strip down to our undies, take the required pictures (hopefully while blind drunk) and complete the mammoth application form in the hope that some big wig TV boss will think that 'our booty' will make good TV!! Wish me luck!
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