However I digress, we're having some visitors tomorrow, in the form of 3 of James' Aunts. Sometimes I feel like the family, (his family) has an AGM and collectively decides, ok who's turn is it to take one for the team and head to Dublin and makes sure 'that wan' is fee
Stressed and astounded at the amount of dirt there is if you go looking for it!! Needless to say that the house is clean most of the time, but there are those behind the chair and under the lamp areas that perhaps I'll admit to 'sweeping' past on a regular basis. So today I've spent the day trying to clean (when I have a million and one other things I could be doing) and even after the day I've had... well this picture puts it better than I ever could;
Possibly unequivocal proof that I am indeed a desperate housewife (see earlier blog post I am a desperate housewife! ) But regardless I clean, clearly I'm not a perky, or as well dressed a cleaner as the pictures above would suggest, but all this is giving me new appreciation for my Mother. My mother is the picture of domesticity. Even her 'mess drawer' is clean and ordered! Today has made me realise, the tireless and thankless hours she put in year after year while we were growing up and to end I just wanted to say, Thank you Mum.
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