Friday, January 8, 2010

I like to tweet

I like to tweet. Mostly my tweets are random, inane thoughts or task I am either in the throws of doing, about to do, want to do or am considering doing. Rarely will you find a profound thought or quote that I have siphoned from some website or book or copied from my page a day calendar. Unless of course that is I am 'RTing' something someone else has posted. Sometimes I think to myself are my 121 followers really all that interested that I am drinking strawberry and cranberry tea or that I am about to go and clean my cosmetic press but then I think to myself - if they don't like it, they can just unfollow me.

Among the 234 that I follow, some of whom I'm not quite sure how I ended up following, most of them and their posts consist of quotes or thoughts they have taken from someone famous, dead or someone dead and famous or a statistic, snippet or tib-bit they came across on the news. Rarely do anyone of them post what they are doing, thinking or about to do or think. And then I read blog posts about the 5 questions to ask yourself before you tweet and I think, shit I really do have this tweeting business all wrong. But then I think to myself (and yes I do alot of thinking about this) its my twitter account, I'll tweet about whatever I god damn want to and if any of my 121 followers don't like it I'm sure with the collective 1,968,750,898 people they are following my little twitter will be far down their tweet deck feed in no time. Besides you never know, one of these days I might actually tweet something utterly thought provoking and challenging and if you unfollow me now you'll miss it!

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