When my darling James is in a theatrical run I like to surprise him with some of his favorite meals for dinner, when I can, as he really comes straight home from work and straight to the theatre. [He is currently playing Shawn Keogh in Playboy of the Western World, in the Millbank Theatre] Today I decided I would make my own personal lasagna, which he loves.
I had every intention

of taking loads of pics for you all to see, but alas it was not to be and you are only getting some before and afters of my masterpiece ( I promise to work on this!).
When I make lasagna, its almost a meal in itself. As well as mince I love to add a veg layer too and today I used cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, spring onions, cauliflower, carrots, sugar snap peas and courgettes! Of course I make my own bechamel sauce too, well in this case two, as I burnt the first! The aromas as I typ

e are intoxicating! I've always been a real 'in the moment' cook and whatever I feel like I stick in. So my lasagna is also seasoned with chilli, garlic, cinnamon, black peppercorns, coriander, rosemary and bay leaves! Yummy!!
Tonight I'll serve it with some backed potaotes, a lovely green salad and a bottle of Red! All this talk of food and the aromas have made me very hungry indeed, off to make myself a lovely tuna salad wrap and some air popped popcorn for lunch - Bon Appetite bloggers!
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