Some of you might know that I am a struggling would be writer. Miraculously I do already have 1 published book under my belt, a how to book on wedding planning, Distinctive Weddings, Tying the Knot without the Rope Burns, however its long been my passion and dream to write novels. I finished my first novel, which I am now calling 'Purple Tulips' mid November and today I finished editing the second draft.
When I was only a mere 12 or so chapters into the book I sent off the first few chapters, a brief synopsis and some reviews of my published book to 2 agents looking for representation. 1 was an agent based in London and the second based in Dublin. I decided for this book that I would use an agent as I am still not quite sure how I managed to secure a publishing deal the first time around or what actually went down and as I would truly like to make writing a career I thought it would be a good move.
About 9 weeks after first sending away my partial manuscript I got a rather nice, but confusing email from the agent in London. They politely refused to represent me on the basis that Distinctive Weddings, Tying the Knot without the Rope Burns - was not in the genre they helped published. Once I got over the momentary disappointment I realised I had had a lucky break, clearly these guys weren't really that on the ball if they hadn't figured out from the reviews, and publisher details that the book was already long published. I was grateful for the lucky escape.
To date I haven't heard from the second, Dublin based agent. James has been encouraging me to phone or email them to make sure they actually did get the submission and see if they have read or have any sort of indication as to when they might get to it. I'd been putting this off, nerves, fears, anxiety... the whole lot had stopped me. He prompted me again this morning and what with finishing the second round of editing I would so desperately love for it to published. I think its a fun, thrilling story that I would love to share with the world. So feeling rather brave and positive I sent off an email. And now... well now I am sitting at my computer willing a response to filter through and begging that it doesn't at the same time... unless its a positive one of course!
So as you can imagine UTTER FRUSTRATION does not even begin to describe how I feel right now... sorry for the rant!
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