I'm a desperate housewife - no really I am. Domesticity was never a strong point of mine. I like things clean and tidy and yes I do have come OCD tendencies, especially when it comes to my hot press but for the most part the extent of my home economic skills are very cosmetic and really don't run that deep.
I'm not that type that remembers or even knows how to defrost a fridge or clean an oven (even though mine is supposedly self cleaning - what exactly does that mean anyways??), I know how to use 2 settings on the washer and 3 on the dryer. I youtubed 'how to fold a fitted sheet' and my dishwasher HATES me.
Knowing all this it surprised me and the 2 darling men (my hubby and little brother) that I live with when I announced that after closing up my company I would like to try and be a housewife for awhile. Needless to say they both sniggered, but agreed -I suppose to see how long I would last. I lasted about a day, the stretch of endless housework with no other distractions was too much for me and so I decided to write a second book as well. So technically after 24 hours I wasn't just a housewife but I was also a writer.
My book however is now finished and awaiting to be snapped up by a huge publisher for millions and so with plans to begin book 3 in February I am taking a short break from writing and am back at the full time housewife thing again. This time I know I can focus, I've been researching 'fun and rewarding' projects I can do! YAY ME!! #sigh# But hey I figure these things need to be done, and as the recession took away my cleaner (come on you all knew I had one) they are left to me as the housewife to do them.
So yesterday I made a list of the first ones; I was going to clean out Granny'
BUT THEN, I got up, went to the bathroom to wash my face and a small trickle emerges from the tap. I scratch my head and think, hmmm that is funny. I walk about the house testing other bathrooms and find a similar situation. I think back and yes I do remember in my sleepy sombre hearing James have a shower this morning and I look to the floor for the evidence of a damp towel and sure enough its there soggying up the carpet. I walk downstairs and turn on the kitchen tap - it has a steady stream and I get confused. Perhaps something is only wrong upstairs. I look in the utility room and see the washing machine has stopped mid cycle and begin to realise this is a little more serious. So I get on twitter to see what the craic is. It seems I am not alone, from my twitter and texting research I can see that Fingal Co Co are 'throttling' the water supply (don't you just love that term?) and I wait patiently for an update as to where my local tanker will be.
So I bet you are all wondering as to where I am going with this entry, well I'll spell it out for you, for those who haven't had it all click into place. You see if you will remember in my aforementioned paragraphs I had mentioned that it was my housewifely intention to do ALOT of cleaning/ washing/ bathing today - and what does one need to do all this? WATER!! So it would seem that while I am definitely a desperate housewife, on this occasion it actually isn't my fault! YAY ME!!
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