Thursday, February 14, 2013

Her Mother's Daughter: Chapter 4

Chapter 4

From: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: July 10th 2009


You will never believe what happened today. It was a bit slack so I was out back on a break. Jenny comes down to me and says there’s a girl in the shop requesting you for a wash and blow dry, I come out front and who is stood there only Imelda! The boss was there at the counter talking to her or I would have refused to do it. So I bring her over, start to wash her hair (took every ounce of strength not to drown her!) and when I am combing out her hair she says all cheery like that me, you, Trudy and her should have a girls night out – that it’s been ‘TOO LONG’. I did actually clock her with the brush at that point and told her when pigs fly!

She had left and all before I realised that she doesn’t know that Trudy has left the country! I thought you were going to tell her? Does Brian even know?



To: Imelda Toomey;
From: Gertrude Toomey;
Date: July 11th 2009


Your father won’t budge on this. He just can’t look at you right now. Maybe with time it will pass, but this time girlie you crossed a line. Did you honestly think that everything would be ok after you stole and moved in with your sister’s, your twin sister’s boyfriend?

Growing up you always where the more silly of you two. I thought you would grow out of it. I thought you would grow up. Maybe I was too soft on you. But right now you have to take responsibility for what you have done. You have destroyed your sister and broken this family apart. I don’t know where we’ll all go from here.

I just hope it’s all been worth it.

Mary Mooney said something to me yesterday and I hope for your sake it’s not true. Once a cheater, always a cheater – if Brian could do it on Trudy he could do it on you.

Best to stay away for now, we’re all just too raw at the moment.



To: Imelda Toomey;
From: Brian Manning;
Date: July 12th 2009


What did you really expect? Did you really think that Trudy and I would break up, we would move in together and it would all be happy families? Trudy and I where together for 5 years and of course that meant something! If you need to tell yourself that it didn’t, well then delude yourself; but I did love her and she did love me.

Look I’m not proud of the way things happened between us. I knew from the start I should never have allowed anything to happen until I ended things with Trudy, even then it would have been difficult. The whole thing is a big mess; we’re just going to have to weather this storm and hope that at some point things become a little better.

To be honest I didn’t expect it to be this bad, then again I didn’t think. I never thought that your family would take it so badly. But that again I never really factored your family into it. I’m ashamed now. They were always so good to me. If we work hard maybe we can have some sort of relationship with them going forward.

For now we HAVE to keep our heads down and hope for the best. Leave them be for awhile. And no I haven’t spoken to Trudy at all. She emailed me to say she had cancelled the lease on the apartment and that I have until the end of the month to get my things out. She’s arranged for professional cleaners to clean the place up and I’ve agreed to pay the bill. I assume she is back at your parent’s house?

I’ll see ya later


To: Imelda Toomey;
From: Mark Toomey;
Date: July 13th 2009

Imelda stop emailing and phoning me, I don’t want to talk to you!

      Rachelle Toomey;
Date: July 15th 2009

Hey girlies!

I am so sorry I haven’t been in touch! It’s just been a total mad week here! First off, as you can see, I still have my same email address! (With no cap on personal emails here!!)

Aw girls it’s amazing here; from the moment I left it was like stepping into another world. First Class – can you imagine, I travelled First Class! The champagne and all was free! AND you could have fitted a Ryanair plane in the loo!

Danny, remember Danny? I worked with Danny when the delegation was over from New York a couple of weeks ago; anyways Danny met me at the airport, in a LIMO!! I know!! (P.s. I have my own now, well not me own, my own, but like a limo to use, for work of course – but I travel in a limo!!) So Danny takes me to where I’m staying; I live in a hotel! Well in an apartment in a hotel. Danny said that if I would prefer to live in an apartment block that she can sort it out for me in a week or two, but that I’ll probably find this handier as the hours can be long and the hotel can cook and clean for me so I don’t have to worry about that. Which believe me is a GOD SEND, because the job is demanding! Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it’s pretty much 24/7. I’m Mr. Garmin’s PA!!

It’s be a whirlwind week of learning all about him and what he does and what I do to ensure he does what he supposed to do. The man is so busy, which makes me so busy that I joked to him the other day that I need a PA and he said hire one! I’m interviewing next week – can you believe it, I’m going to have a PA too!

But enough about me, what’s going on over there with you two? Shelia I can’t believe the Doctor still doesn’t know what is wrong with you… have you gotten a second opinion, should I be worried? Are you ok?

When are you going to LA Shelly? And how on earth did that come about? Can you stop off here on your way over or back? If would be so good to see you!!

Before I head I just wanted to say thanks, for all your help and support. I’m trying not to think about it here, I came here for a break from it and its working. It’s almost like that part of my life never existed. I know it’s probably not a smart way of dealing with it, running away, but it’s my way of dealing with it and its working right now. I know I will have to face it at some point but I just can’t, Brian cheating was one thing, but with… well with you know who is just an entirely other thing. I feel betrayed on so many levels I just can’t comprehend it right now.

Don’t worry I’ve been in touch with mum and dad. They’ve been great too and Mark bless him, he’s phoned me every right, his mobile bill will be enormous!

I’m missing you both, but I know I’m in the right place right now.

Love yas


      Mark Toomey;
From: Gertrude Toomey;
Date: July 18th 2009


I feel we’re like ships that are passing in the night at the moment I hardly see you both. I was going to make a nice roast for dinner tonight; I thought we could all sit around the table and have a nice family dinner. Well for the four of us at least.

I spoke to Trudy just now, she is training in her new PA, Yolanda I think she said her name was. She sounds black – can I say that in an email? You don’t think Trudy is dating someone do you? Not that that is a bad thing, it’s just she has mentioned this Danny person a lot and I got wondering if maybe a little romance was brewing? Has she said anything to either of you, I know she probably told you to keep it to yourselves, it’s just I’m worried about her. She’s never really lived this far from home before and I can never seem to get a handle on this time difference thing. I woke her up twice last night (well her last night) trying to have a chat. Maybe you could bring me home a clock from the shop Mark and I could set it to New York time, then I’ll know. Better make it a 24 hour one so I don’t get confused. Yes, that’s a good idea, at least then I’ll know what she is at and I’ll feel a little better about her being so far away.

Well I better head to the shops and get the dinner in. It will be ready at 7pm.

See you both later,


From: Mark Toomey;
Date: July 25th 2009


You’ll never believe who came into the shop today! Brian!! I actually saw him parked across the road this morning when I was opening up, he must have been there for about two hours before he came in I reckon. Dad was serving someone when he came in and didn’t see him straight away. He looked awful, like he hadn’t slept in days. He walked right up to Dad and asked if he could have a word. Dad looked like he was going to throw a heap of copper piping at in but all of a sudden his face softened and he opened the door to the office.

I half expected Dad to come out a few minutes later brandishing a bloody hatchet or something but after about 20 minutes the door opened, Brian shook dad’s hand and left. Dad hasn’t said a word since. I’m out at training tonight but see if you can find anything out from mum.



To: Shelia Toomey;;
       Mark Toomey;
From: Imelda Toomey;
Date: July 26th 2009

I can’t believe you two! There Trudy is, living the life of Reilly in New York and neither of you even told me she left the country! Brian says she’s got some big swanky job, driving around in a limo and living in a hotel and here I am back in dreary Dublin, out casted from the family – it’s hardly fair! You call yourselves my brother and sister! I can’t believe how mean you are all being to me! I can’t believe what has become of this family; Trudy’s gone and won life’s lotto and I’m being ostracised by my own flash and blood!

Date: July 28th 2009

It’s ironic really Shelia, when you think about it, if Imelda hadn’t done what she did I wouldn’t be here, or have any of this. The old Trudy, before all this, wouldn’t even have imagined this was all possible. I was so happy to be with Brian, I really thought we would be married within the year. I was even thinking about doing that Photography Course at the community college. I thought I could be a part time photographer while we raised a family.

I’m still so hurt by it all. I thought Brian loved me. I thought I knew him. The sad thing is, and possibly the saddest is that I’m not really surprised that Imelda is the other woman. I know she would never admit it, but she always wanted Brian from the start. Not that I am trying to defend him, but I don’t think he stood a chance once she had decided that she wanted him. Do you get what I am saying? I hope, more for his sake, then hers, that it works out. I really don’t think, if he is the Brian I knew at all, that he realises what he has gotten himself in to and that makes me feel sorry for him.

Being away has allowed me to see a lot of things clearly. Imelda is a spoilt brat. I never saw that before. And I really don’t know how she is because I don’t think mum and dad treated any of us any differently and you, me and Mark turned out just fine. Maybe she was just a bad egg, although, technically, being her identical twin sister wouldn’t that make a bad egg too?

Part of me thinks that now Imelda has gotten what she wants or at least what she thinks she wants she’ll grow tired and kick Brian to the curb. I know some people should say it’s what he deserves, but really he doesn’t, no-one does. I suppose time will time.

Anyways it’s late here, talk to you soon.



From: Rachelle Toomey;
Date: July 29th 2009


I got a similar email too. I don’t know what to think. She seems to be taking it exceptionally well. Very level headed. I’ve been kinda cautious about what I’m saying to her, about relationships – incase this is all just some amazing power she is wielding when writing emails. I’m going to stop off in New York for 2 days on my way back, am so excited to see her, but a little apprehensive too. Things have been going great with Ross! Well as good as a long distance relationship can go. I know I always say I’m in love, but this time I genuinely think it’s the real deal! I really want to tell Trudy but I think it’s too soon after Brian for her. I’ll see how things are when I’m with her.

I think you’re all wise about saying nothing more to her about Imelda and Brian. (It still sounds so wrong, doesn’t it?) She hasn’t asked me a dickie about them and I haven’t mentioned them to her at all. I hear what you are all saying about someone telling her in person, but I really don’t know if I could be the one to tell her that Brian and Imelda are getting married, what do your mum and dad say?



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Valentine's Day Challenge to my husband!

Call me old fashioned but I think Valentine's Day is one for the ladies... were a man should treat her right and really flex his romantic muscles, am I alone? Of course that is all fine and dandy if your man is romantic... or has a romantic bone in his body! Mine does not.

I know I have shared with you before that he injured me before proposing, because {he felt} the evening {of  burnt pizza and mindless TV} was too romantic and I would know what was coming. {So he pushed me off the couch into a piece of furniture and amidst my snot filled tears proposed ~ romantic and very attractive I know!}

Last year he just plain forgot about valentines day. Not a card or bunch of flowers insight... I even bought {for him to give to me} my own box of chocolates.

This year, I took matters into my own hands and set him a challenge! With consequences!

This year I have set him the challenge of creating the most romantic day of my life {so far} that will be scored  by me and a panel of judges. To keep things fair the panel of judges includes two of my friends and two of his and of course me.

He will be scored out of ten in each of the following {by each of us}:

  • Originality
  • Delivery 
  • Effort
  • Romance 
  • Thoughtfulness 
And he must get over 225 to have succeed his challenge. 

The forfeit... 

Aw, this makes me smile, purely because of the hilarity and evilness of it :) 

My hubby, the actor, must get his chest waxed, on St. Patrick's Day, have it recorded andput the recording up on his Actor YouTube channel for 1 calendar year! 

So ladies, I know what my plans are this Valentine's, what are yours? {Have I inspired you to take matters into your own hands?} 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Her Mother's Daughter: Chapter 3

Chapter 3

From: Mark Toomey;
Date: June 18th 2009

To be honest Sis I’ve been thinking something is not right for some time.

Even still I can’t imagine that even Imelda would stoop so low. Is Rachelle sure they are definitely the same earrings? Like aren’t all diamond earrings the same? We’ll need to be really sure before we say anything to Trudy. I know it’s pointless asking this but have you tried talking to Imelda?

Maybe I should invite Brian out for a beer and get the lay of the land. Like if he is going to propose he might say something, you know, man to man. At least then we can be reassured, like if he is going to propose to Trudy he is hardly carrying on behind her back?

Let me know what you think.



      Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 23rd 2009


Brian found the wedding magazine I had bought (I know, it was a moment of weakness!). I came home last night and it was on the bed. He must have come home during the day for a nap because the sheets were all tossed. I’m sure I had it stuffed at the back of the drawer but come to think of it I was reading it last night, it could have just slipped down by the side of the dresser. What should I do??

Like this could be a good thing? He could think; Yes! We’re both on the same page and pop the question soon. Or he could think I’m a little obsessed and it could put him off.  I was thinking, if he makes a big (bad) deal out of it I will just say I bought it cause it has a section on Asian Honeymoons and I was thinking we could head to Asia on our holidays this year? It’s not entirely true I want to go to South America but Asia would be nice too. What do yas think? You’ve both been awful quiet since the housewarming, everything ok?



To: Brian Manning;
From: Imelda Toomey;
Date: June 23rd 2009


You need to sort this mess out. Shelia and Rachelle have been asking A LOT of weird questions AND I found a bridal magazine stuffed at the back of Trudy’s drawers when I was at yours last night – are you two talking about getting married?

Do it quickly – like a band aid remember!



      Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 25th 2009

OMG, its tonight!! Brian just emailed me and asked if I was busy tonight. He said he had something really important that he wanted to talk to me about and did I fancy going out for dinner, his treat! He’s booked Trentino’s for 8pm!

Shell I know it’s sacrilegious but I really need a blow dry and can’t get over to you so I’m going to let the hotel hair dresser do it – hope you don’t mind! Don’t worry I won’t let her cut it!

Shelia I hope you don’t mind and I know I should have asked first but I rang Mum and asked her if she would drop down your red dress to me. I know you hate when she goes into your wardrobe but this is a MAJOR occasion – please say it’s ok???

Dum dum di dum…

SO excited!


To: Roger Toomey;
From: Gertrude Toomey;
Date: June 25th 2009


It’s me, your wife. Brian is proposing to Trudy tonight, I’ve made her promise to stop by the house after he does it to show me the ring, buy some champagne on your way home, oh and some chocolates too – the good ones this time. I’m off to get my hair done; dinner will be a little late.



To: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 26th 2009


Brian proposed!

Mark just rang me, dad just told him. He (dad that is) walked, as casual as you like, into the shop, still drunk from the night before, and said load up one of the new pergola’s into the van, your mother wants it installed today so she can start growing roses around it for the wedding.

I’m in shock. I don’t know what to think now. Do we say something to Trudy about the earrings? I tried to get her on the phone but it keeps going to voicemail. No doubt she and Brian are still celebrating!



To: Gertrude Toomey;
From: Nathan Cullen;
Date: June 26th 2009

Dear Mrs. Toomey,

How lovely to hear from you again, we would be delighted to host yet another of your wonderful family events. My sincerest congratulations to you and your family on your daughter’s engagement, I remember the lovely couple well. In fact my god wife fell in love with your daughter’s beautiful diamond earrings. No doubt if the groom to be has such good taste with earrings the ring will be a sight to behold!

I have reserved your favourite room for the function and will post you out a selection of menu options to discuss with the happy couple. Would you like to meet Tuesday week for a tasting?

Kind Regards,

Nathan Cullen


From: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 28th 2009


Have you heard from Trudy? I haven’t heard a dickie and she still isn’t answering her mobile. Am a bit worried, she hasn’t even called to tell me she is engaged – which is REALLY strange! I’m heading over to the apartment tonight.



To: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 30th 2009


What a 24 hours! After you left Trudy’s last night Mark arrived with Mum and Dad. Dad was in the van with him when we called and was on the phone to Mum before Mark could stop him – loudspeaker has its disadvantages!

All hell broke loose once they arrived. I was about to call Imelda to tell her what had happened and to say we were all with Trudy incase she got into a fit about not being included and Mark stopped me. He left on a hunch and drove to Imelda’s, Brian answered the door, Mark decked him and broke his nose and Imelda called the Gardai. After 6 hours in a cell they let him go with a caution. Mum of course fainted when she heard Mark had been arrested and hit her head on the coffee table on the way down so she and dad ended up in A&E. She is recovering now at home with 6 stitches and holding court with the neighbours.

I still can’t believe you were right all along.

Trudy is still not talking. I managed to get her to eat something and take a shower but that was about it.

 Dad went over to Imelda’s; well I suppose Imelda and Brian’s early this morning. He had to threaten to leave her out of the will before she would let him in. Brian didn’t say much. Dad said he seemed embarrassed. Imelda was her usual self righteous self. She even told Dad that Trudy didn’t deserve Brian, that she had never really wanted him. Dad came home in tears. He doesn’t understand how anyone, let alone twin sisters could end up like this, I can’t believe it either. He told Imelda he is ashamed and embarrassed by her and that she wasn’t welcome in his house. Not that she listened as who do you think turned up on the door about 5 hours later? - Imelda! I had just nipped home to pack a bag, so that I could stay with Trudy, and I opened the door, thinking it was Mrs. Mooney from next door with a barn barck and there she is as bold as brass. Dad charged down the stairs and pushed her back out the door. To the outside world I am sure the whole episode looked quite comical. Me standing their open mouth, Dad rushing forth and Mum tittering on the edge of her chair for a better look, (she nearly up ended her good tea set). Imelda stomped off screaming blue murder and blaming Trudy and Dad slammed the door for good measure. There are several curtains twitching on Coleman Crescent at the moment I can tell you!

As best I can figure out the following happened; mum being mum took it as gospel that Brian was proposing once Trudy had mentioned it. (She had even booked La Villa Rosa for their engagement party for the first Saturday in August!). When Trudy texted mum to say she wouldn’t be calling by, that she couldn’t talk and would phone in the morning, mum took it that the deed had been done and she and Dad opened the champers and started celebrating. When Dad walked into the shop and told Mark that Brian had popped the question, he saw no reason to question it and duly rang me!

What really happened was; Trudy met Brian at the restaurant, all through the meal he was really nice, if a little distant. He ordered all her favourite foods for her and she put his unusual mood down to nerves. She just returned from the loo and desert had been served when he started; ‘Truds I don’t know how to do this, so I am just going to do it like a band aid – real quick. I’m breaking up with you. There is someone else. I’ll be moving out in the morning.’ It took her a few minutes to realise what it was he was saying. THEN he says, ‘I don’t want a scene. I’ve booked you a taxi its outside. The bill is paid.’ And he left. It took me most of the night to get that much out of her.

My heart breaks for her. I’ve arranged a couple of days off for her. I said there had been a death in the family, which believe me, if Dad and Mark had their ways there very possibly would be. I know this is possibly bad but we haven’t told her Imelda is the other woman. We just don’t know how to. She did come by the apartment earlier with Brian to collect his things, thankfully Trudy was asleep, I through them out. I’m taking Trudy home for a couple of days for Brian to clear his things out.

What saddens me the most is that Imelda really doesn’t believe she has done anything wrong or is at fault. I don’t know exactly how long any of this is going on, or what exactly has been going on until now, but really your sister’s, your twin sisters boyfriend of 5 years? I’m just disgusted.

Talk soon


From: Mark Toomey;
Date: July 2nd 2009


I know, I’m worried about her too, but really, what did you expect? She’s just had her heart crushed and served to her in a very expensive restaurant. What’s worst still is she doesn’t know the half of it. I think we should tell her tonight that Imelda is the other woman. That’s possible going to hit her the hardest and each day we leave it the more she comes to terms with what the bastard has done, I don’t want her to have healed, even a little,  only to have to start all over again.

I have a little more of the sordid story. Imelda came to see dad again. She seems more put out that he is not talking to here then what she has done to her sister. He refused to speak to her at first and then said to her that he would consider allowing her back in the house if she was open and honest with him and answered five questions he had. She refused for awhile and they appeared to be at stalemate but Dad didn’t back down. (I think I now know where she gets her stubbornness from.)

Apparently this whole sordid affair has been going on for 8 months; at least that’s when they took it up a notch (her words not mine). Dad didn’t ask her what that meant but knowing Imelda that’s probably when they started sleeping together. Dad seemed to lose his resolve a bit then but pressed on to ask her one more question; did Imelda see marriage for her and Brian in the future. Imelda just laughed. Dad looked crestfallen and left the shop. Imelda ran after him but he ignored her, totally, it was actually surreal. She came back into the shop and asked me what was going on. It took all of my resolve not to deck her too. If I never lay eyes on her again it will be too soon.

Am going to pick up some comedy DVDs on my way home to watch with Trudy, could you sort the nibbles?

See ya later


From: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: July 3rd 2009


What a total mess.

I can’t believe that she went back to work. Did she really say nothing at all when you told her it was Imelda? I suppose what do you say? I imagine though I would kick or scream or do something, wouldn’t you? I don’t know. Are you sure letting her go back to work was the right thing to do?

What’s going to happen now? Has she mentioned anything about moving back into the apartment or Brian? Have they had any contact?



Date: July 4th 2009


Great to hear from you! 

Of course Mr. Garmin’s offer is still open. I must say I am surprised; you seemed very definite about staying in Ireland when last we spoke.

We would be delighted to have you on board with us here in New York as soon as possible. I will make the necessary arrangements with HR for you here and make contact with your GM this afternoon to advise him of your acceptance of your promotion. Of course the company will take care of your relocation expenses and set you up with some suitable accommodation here in the city. Would you prefer hotel or apartment living?

I’ll have a contract fedex’d over to you by close of business tomorrow and we can take it from there.

In the mean time if there is anything else I can help you with please let me know, oh and welcome on board!

Kind Regards,

Danny Glover
VP of Overseas Operations


I wrote a best seller! {Still can't believe it!}

Writing The Meaning of Purple Tulips was a life goal and dream of mine. For as long as I can remember, every January I would write on my list of New Years Resolutions: Write a book.

For years I could never figure out why I didn't accomplish it, until one day I realized I would have to actually sit down, open a word document and start typing. I did just that on September 9th 2009.

It took me almost {but not quite} 3 years to finish, edit, rework, cut in half and start again and edit ALOT more, before I actually published The Meaning of Purple Tulips on July 4th 2012.

It was an amazing feeling!

Then when I sold my first copy I didn't think it would get any better.

Of course, then my first review came in and I thought that was the best feeling in the world!

But yesterday, Sunday, February 10th 2013 I received word that I had made it on to my publishing company's best sellers list... ECSTASY!

Thank you, thank you to each and every one of you, who have supported, read, reviewed and shared my book. I couldn't have done it without you all but there are two very special people that really deserve a big thank you.

One is my dear, dear friend Aoife Black, she was the very first person to read my book in its very early stages, she was the one who encouraged me all the way. In fact she is the one who suggested and encouraged me to consider self publishing and sent me article after article on the topic. She is the one I dedicated this book too.

And second, to my darling husband, James, thank you so, so much for reading my book { I would say about 11 times or so} for editing it, for helping me and for being my own personal spelling person. I couldn't have done it without you either.

So from the author of the best selling book, The Meaning of Purple Tulips... thank you all!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Her Mother's Daughter: Chapter 2

So here is Chapter 2. 


I wrote this, or started writing this book, about 2 and a half years ago, currently its unfinished, in total there are about 9 Chapters. Because it is so different, I wanted to share it with you all and see what you think. 

This is unedited and unfinished. 

The story focuses on Trudy Toomey, her family and all their lives, unfolding before you over a series of emails between them all. Those involved in the story have the uncanny ability to jump the gun and get things wrong... like us all... 

I hope you enjoy the first and second chapter and want to see more... go easy on me, this is an experiment :) 

Chapter 2

To: Gerturde Toomey;;
From: Imelda Toomey;
Date: June 4th 2009


You never listen! I’ve told you hundreds of times not to email me on my work account, use my memail account. Honestly!

And mum I would appreciate if you would keep my private life, just that PRIVATE!

I’ll be home at 6 for dinner.



      Shelia Toomey;
From: Imelda Toomey;
Date:  June 4th 2009

B and I are moving in together. He needs a more permanent Dublin base for when he is in town. I know mum will be devastated when I move out. I am going to tell her tonight after dinner. Perhaps you two can come over and cheer her up once I have. I’ve a date afterwards, otherwise I would do it.

Oh and Trudy, mum got it wrong, it’s not Prague we’re off to. But then I would have told you had you asked.



Date: June 6th 2009

Trudy & Maxwell

Many thanks again for your excellent hospitality during our recent stay with you. The entire delegation was thoroughly impressed with the thought and attention that went into their trip.

Mr. Garmin himself has mentioned you on a number of occasions Trudy and he is most grateful to you for booking his favourite restaurant.

I must say we all did get a kick out of your small presumption! Consider it water well and truly under the bridge! It was quiet funny really! – You are both forgiven! (But thanks for the flowers; they were lovely to come home to).

Maxwell, Mr. Garmin said to continue the good work and Trudy his offer of a position in head office in New York still stands if and when you should like to take it up – you really have made a fantastic impression on him!

I look forward to working with you both in the future.

Kind Regards,

Danny Glover
VP to Overseas Operations


To: Gerturde Toomey;
From: Mike Rogan;
Date: June 6th 2009

Dear Mrs. Toomey

Lovely to have met you yesterday.

Attached you will find a quotation for the equipment you expressed an interest in during your meeting. As discussed once you have a move out date for your daughter and all furniture has been removed from the room I can come back and discuss layout options with you. As promised my painter/decorator friend’s email address is . Tell him Mike sent you and he’ll give you a good price.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Mike Rogan
Sales Representative


From: Rachelle Sinclair;  
Date: June 8th 2009

Oh Trudy that’s priceless!

I bet Imelda was hopping! Imagine your mum and a gym!

I still can’t imagine Imelda moving out, let alone living with a boyfriend. Is someone paying the guy? Like he has met your sister?
Come to think of it has anyone actually met him? Like I know he was supposed to come to your mum’s party and meet us for drinks that time, but I’ve never laid eyes on him, have you? Have any of you?

On the Brian issue, I think it’s time you sat down with him and asked him if everything is ok. I get that work must be stressful for him, who isn’t it stressful for right now, but really he should be a little more attentive. Are you sure he is not sleeping at home? Like you are a pretty heavy sleeper, a bomb could explode under you and you would still not stir!



       Shelia Toomey;
From: Mark Toomey;
Date: June 9th 2009


Do either of you not think it weird that Imelda is moving in with a guy none of us have met? Like I know she likes her privacy – but?? AND this is Imelda, the eternal home bird – she barely landed in London on her way to Oz when she got straight on a plan home.

Dad doesn’t seem convinced she’ll go at all. He’s hidden the credit card so that Mum doesn’t order the gym until she is well and truly out the door. I’m busy hiding all the paint samples mum keeps taking from the shop so she doesn’t see them. If she finds out what mum’s plans are she’ll never leave!

But seriously, I’m more concerned as to who this guy is. I think we should ask to meet him?

Back me up here.


To: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 12th 2009


I suppose Mark does have a point. But really, anyone who is prepared to date and then live with my sister has to be like her, or worse, so do we really want to subject ourselves to an evening of that?

I know she is my twin, but we never had anything in common. In fact the most time I think we have ever spent together is while in the womb!

Beside all that, I have enough on my plate than to be worrying who or what Imelda is moving in with. Shelia is much the same. She still has this bug. She had to take another 3 days off this week. Her work have been nice and all but they have asked her to go and see the company doctor. Like they aren’t calling her a liar or anything, I think they are just worried about her now, which I suppose is nice. I wish my job would worry about me!



Date:  June 13th 2009

Hey Sis,

Have you time to meet for lunch? There is something I want to run by you. It’s a niggle I have.

Mail me.


To: Rachelle Sinclair;
From: Trudy Toomey;
Date: June 14th 2009


I’m sure of it. It all makes sense now. The late nights, being really secretive, being over tired, the disappearance of the earrings and the brochures. He’s been working loads of overtime and saving up - Brian is definitely going to purpose!! I bet he changed tactic when he heard that Imelda’s boyfriend got her earrings and they are going on a city break. Don’t worry I haven’t called Pine Cone just yet… but they are on speed dial!!

Have you sorted your dress for the housewarming? Wanna meet Shelia and I for a drink beforehand – we’re stocking up on the dutch courage!!



From: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 15th 2009


Mention Brian? Trudy does nothing but talk of Brian! You know he has sent her flowers every day this week?! I know it’s her birthday but he has never done that before!! I can’t believe she is getting engaged! Did she send you on the pic of the wedding dress she found online last night? It was GORGEOUS! She is thinking about this time next year, still Pine Cone Castle of course – god forbid something should happen that place before your sister gets married there!

I was thinking the other day; after 5 years together I suppose ‘it’s about time’ they got engaged! Well that or break up – and that would never happen! Do you remember when they first started seeing each other? We all thought Brian was such a dish, something must have changed; I don’t find him that attractive anymore. Or maybe that’s the fact that he is my best mate’s boyfriend! (he he). He really was charming from the start. Remember how Trudy really wasn’t all that interested in him; we all thought she was mad. Even Imelda’s eyes seemed to widen when he came in the room.

I wonder how he’ll do it. I hope it’s romantic. I wonder will he take her away, or do it here. I hope he doesn’t do it in their apartment. I never really liked the place. It just seems so ‘crowded’ or something. Maybe I should give him some hints, what do you think?

Anyways see you later for drink!



To: Mark Toomey;
From: Imelda Toomey;            
Date: June 15th 2009

Hey little Brother,

Of course he is going to be there tonight, it’s our housewarming! He flies in at 6.30pm. He is really looking forward to meeting you all too. But BE nice. No third degree or anything embarrassing like that.

Well Mum should have thought about that before she turned my room into a gym. I hadn’t even left the house and she had a colour scheme and equipment picked! Besides she and dad are accent! Who did they think they were going to talk to at the housewarming? They would be the oldest people by about 40 years; I’m not subjecting my friends to them. I’ll have them over for tea someday once mum has apologised.

By the way can you come over a little early and bring your tool belt; I have a few things that need doing. Say about 4pm?



       Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 16th 2090

Well Girls,

What a hoot! Imelda’s friends ‘en mass’ are definitely ‘interesting’. Where they all for real, or do people actually act like that? Like I know Imelda is ‘unique’ but they just took the biscuit! It took me every ounce of control to keep a straight face half the time. Did Imelda really invite the guy from their post room and then make him serve people? Mark said she actually said to him, ‘Why else did you think you where coming?’

I know she is our sister, and only for the fact that you are her twin Trudy and the spit out of mum’s mouth I would swear that she was a milk man, or a post man job (sorry couldn’t help myself – sides are splitting here!).

You ok now Rachelle? It was a shame you had to leave early; I hope you don’t have what I have. It’s a nasty bug! You really missed a hilarious night! In the end the infamous Beau never made it. His delayed flight turned to a cancelled flight. He did call, a couple of times, a drunk Imelda even put him on loud speaker, he was echoy though and hard to hear him – he sounded Irish though – I think, didn’t he Trud? I actually think that Mark was more upset he didn’t make it than Imelda was! In fact he got so annoyed that his flight was cancelled he demanded to see some photos, it got a bit awkward for awhile until Brian told him to relax. We left shortly after that, too much Imelda is… well… just too much!

Hope you are feeling better.


From: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: June 17th 2009


I don’t know how to say this. To you, to Trudy, to anyone. God I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it. I’m in such shock that I haven’t gone to work in 2 days. I’ve been ignoring Trudy’s calls and emails. I don’t know what to say to her.

I’ve tried to convince myself otherwise, for 2 days now. But now that I think about it, it all makes sense. I don’t know how none of us didn’t think of it before. God I hope I’m wrong. I really do. But… Shelia, at the housewarming Imelda was wearing the diamond earrings Brian bought for Trudy.

What are we going to do?

So distraught…


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Her Mother's Daughter: Chapter 1

 On twitter and facebook I asked you all if you might be interested in reading something a little different. I wrote this, or started writing this book, about 2 and a half years ago, currently its unfinished, in total there are about 9 Chapters. Because it is so different, I wanted to share it with you all and see what you think. 

Remember, this is unedited and unfinished. 

The story focuses on Trudy Toomey, her family and all their lives, unfolding before you over a series of emails between them all. Those involved in the story have the uncanny ability to jump the gun and get things wrong... like us all... 

I hope you enjoy the first chapter and want to see more... go easy on me, this is an experiment :) 

Chapter 1

To: Rachelle Sinclair;
Date: April 29th 2009


I’m worried. Brian is still acting strange! Should I be worried? Obviously I am, but well maybe it’s just a guy thing? What do you think? I can’t get it out of my mind, it’s a niggle that something is different… or changed. Not necessarily a bad niggle. Just a niggle. I asked Shelia what she thought at the weekend (we went to mum’s for Sunday dinner) and she said he was acting normal. Imelda, was of course her helpful self and told me to dump the loser, that if after 5 years he hadn’t produced a ring that I had more to be worried about than just a niggle! (Am still convinced she is adopted).

Fancy heading out on Thursday? Can I come in for a quick blow dry beforehand?

I best head; I’ve been so up in the clouds recently that I’m sure I am going to get fired for not doing any work. That and ever since Ms Marshall got promoted to Head of Housekeeping she has been lording it over me and watching my every move. I’m convinced she is reading my emails.



Date: May 3rd 2009


Mum’s birthday is coming up, I was thinking if we all pooled our money together we could get her that nice Marcaseed watch she has had her on eye since Christmas? I spoke to Mark about it and he is up for it, and I’ll check with Imelda too.

I was thinking of heading in on Tuesday to collect, fancy meeting for lunch in town and getting it together?




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