Monday, May 17, 2010

My 8 Top Gardening Tips for Beginners

As some of you will know I recently started on a gardening buzz and am now the proud [owner] gardener of many tomato, pepper and chilli plants, not to mention rows of rocket lettuce and a 'soon to be born' crop of forget-me-nots. Here are some small, invaluable tips I've either discovered or picked up along the way;

1. Start Small

In both the quantity/ variety that you plant and the size of the container that you plant your seeds in.

Start off with just one 'crop'. Keep it simple. As they start to grow and you become more confident plant others.

Also plant your seeds in small containers, this will make them easier to manage initially and means you can keep them inside and keep an eye on them. Very important if there is still frost about!

2. Don't over pay for seeds

Of course you don't have to start with seeds, you can buy partially grown plants, but I get great joy out of the whole process and know that I have grown them from the start!

It seems that nearly every shop is selling seeds at the moment; perhaps they always have and I've just noticed because I am 'into gardening' now. But from Super Value to Centre, Dunnes, Lidl in fact most food stores now have them tucked away somewhere!

I find Lidl to be the best value. They have packets starting from 79c [with over 150 seeds in them] and even have little growing kits with tubs and soil and a whole host of tools for about €6.99. I really wouldn't want to pay above €2.50 for a pack of seeds, unless it was something a little bit special!

3. Remember to add good drainage to your pots

Before you plant your seeds ensure that water can easily drain through and out of your pots. Firstly your pot should have a hole in the bottom; if it doesn't add one yourself. Then fill the base of your pot with stones or broken pieces of an old pot; 1-2cm for small pots, an inch or two for medium sized etc.

This will ensure that your roots aren't constantly soaked in water which would result in them [essentially] drowning.

4. Use a baby beaker as a watering can

As your seeds break the soil they will be fragile and delicate; don't worry though they are still very strong! Large watering cans, or even small cups often have a harsh flow of water that can almost 'drown' your little stalks. Using a baby breaker [from the 2 Euro shop] will give a lovely gently sprinkle of water - perfect for your little babies!

Oh and ps on planting I give my seeds a good watering and then water every 2 - 3 days.

5. Window sills are like mini glass houses!

I am growing everything indoors at the moment. All my plants are on window sills; they act as fantastic mini glass houses!!

Just remember; unless you have trays under your planters or pots to put down some old tea towels to catch the draining water or your window sills and floors will get destroyed.

6. Water terracotta pots often!

All my plants are currently in plastic pots, which as I said above, I water every 2-3 days. If you chose to use terracotta pots [which I will be shortly re-planting into] you need to water a little more regularly.

You see the terracotta itself absorbs the water from the plant and so your soil will dry out much quicker. Always read what the best conditions are for the seeds you have planted [will be on the back of the pack] but for the most part if the soil is damp to the touch you'll be grand.

7. Turn pots around every so often

As your plants grow you will notice that they grown towards the sun and the light. Turn the pots around every day or so so that they 'straighten' themselves and not just grow in one direction!

8. Label your pots!

Label your pots when you plant them with the seed you've planted and the date.

As you begin to expand your 'garden' you will notice that many plant shoots start the same, this is to avoid confusion over what is what. Also by dating them you'll know how far into the germination [growing] process they are; each plant/ seed takes a different amount of time to grow.

Happy growing everyone!!

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