Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Big Diet Test!

Today is Day 6 

One day away from the official 'weigh in' and I'm going away for the night. Probably not such a good idea.

I want to enjoy myself 

But I also don't want to wreck all the hard work I've put in over this past week. It's mostly the alcohol portion of the evening I am worried about. I've known for a few months that this night was coming up, but somehow when I said last week that I would give up alcohol for the next two months I seemed to blank this coming outing. 

Not only is there my weight loss diet but... 

Tonight will be the first night I 'eat out' since starting my wheat free diet in March. I've been to a wedding, but that was fine because the kitchen had already been informed of my dietary requirements. Now I'm 'on my own' to decide what's safe to eat and what's healthy! I big deal for me.

I've never had a good relationship with food

Well I've never had a healthy relationship with food. Faced with the good and the bad option I would always go for the bad option - its just in my blood!

What will I do next... 

Be good or be bad? - will tonight throw me totally off my motivation... [I hope not.]

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