Friday, June 4, 2010

Book Review: Things I wish I had known by Linda Green

Don't judge a book by its cover. 

An old saying, but a true one. This book disappointed me. The cover promised me something that the book didn't deliver.

A [very] quick synopsis. 

The story focuses on Claire Skidmore and her obessions as a teenager with a United Footballer, 'the list' she makes at 15 of how her life with turn out in 20 years and the impact all this has on her life at 38.

I was excited. 

To begin reading 'Things I wish I had known' but this quickly changed when mere pages into the book I realised a large portion of the main characters lives would revolve around football. For me football is a big turn off and something I hate featured in books I read.

Regardless of the football 

I battled on and was determined to read the book. I did like much of the pop culture references and its current moods and tones but there was no getting away from the fact that [for me] football was at its core. Not only that but

I couldn't figure out where the story was headed. 

Now you would think, brilliant - it will keep me guessing until the end, exactly what I want from a good book, but well, I lost interest. The writer just didn't grab me. For me this wasn't a 'couldn't put it down', in fact I had to force myself to pick it up and in the end I didn't even finish it. I reckon I had about 40 or so pages left but I was done, well there was that and I had to get it back to the library...

If you are a football fan or don't mind it featuring in a book you will have better look with this than I. Overall I found the whole thing so-so.

5 of out 10 :(

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