Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why Health Insurance should include/ cover 'stress relief holidays' !!

Did you know that stress can cause severe health breakdowns?

Stress, a relatively recent psychological and biological term, first coined in the 1930's covers a wide range of phenomenon, from mild irritation to drastic dysfunction that may cause severe health breakdowns. Signs of stress can be cognitive, emotional, physical or behavioral.Signs include poor judgment, a general negative outlook, excessive worrying, moodiness, irritability, agitation, inability to relax, feeling lonely, isolated or depressed, aches and pains, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, dizziness, chest pains, rapid heartbeat, eating too much or not enough, sleeping too much or not enough, social withdrawal, procrastination or neglect of responsibilities, increased alcohol intake, nicotine or drug consumption and nervous habits such as pacing around or nail bitting. [ Source Wikipedia]

I might be stressed, but my Boss will never buy it!

A recent article in The Independent explained that it is estimated that stress in the work place costs British companies in the region of £26 Billion per year. Can your Boss [and your Health Insurer] afford not to take you seriously?

Which is cheaper holiday or hospital stay?

A close friend recently spent 7 days in hospital at a cost of €6,000.00 to her insurer and subsequent cost of €1,000.00 [and counting] in out patient costs. The reason? Chronic IBS brought on by stress. [She remains uncured]. 

It is estimated [by my friend and I] that between €2,500.00 - €3,000.00 would provide a very decent TWO week  Stress Relief Holiday for a couple [sans children, this is supposed to be stress free after all!]. The result? TWO relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated 'patients'. AND a happy Health Insurer with an extra €11,000.00 [and counting] in their bank account. [Not to mention all those extra hospital beds which would be available AND our stressed and overworked Nurses would have less patients to deal with :) ] 

The Reality

It's unlikely that a Health Insurer will ever deem it suitable or 'profitable' to include Stress Relief Holidays as part of their packages; this I find ironic because my Doctor has often told me what I really need is a holiday! So clearly they are medically approved and prescribed! 


On the off chance my blog actually get us [all] somewhere [foreign] please leave a comment and 'sign' your name to our petition to get Health Insurers to include/ cover Stress Relief Holidays in their packages! - if we get enough names I'll send them on to Health Insurers!!


1 comment:

What Blá Did Next said...

Me first! Hell Ya I want Stress Relief Holidays covered in my Health Insurance!


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